Briefly explain the marketing of banking services in India
The ongoing
process of economic reforms has completely changed theoperational environment
for the whole banking industry in the country.Banks are now required to cope
with stiff competition in business and alsothe complex regulatory norms
regarding capital adequacy and provisioning.Banks are forced to adopt various
marketing techniques and approaches.Thus, marketing has become imperative for
all banks including those in the public
sector.Marketing in banks can be stated as a new phenomenon that is
shaping wellover the past one decade. Public sector bank hardly considered
marketing asa tool for business. The competition, deregulation that followed
the reformshas changed the environment for
banks, where marketing has occupied the place in the business of
banks. Today, marketing in the banking industry ischaracterized by many
innovations in products and services, use of advancedtechnology in product design, up gradation of delivery system,
advertisingand sales promotion activities, whether in public sector or private
sector.Banks now have a firm that
marketing strategies alone can brighten thefuture of banking business. Marketing in banks has become synonymouswith customer and banks are found engaged in several
activities of discovering, creating and satisfaction customer
needs. Indian banking is at cross
roads today. With the deregulation andliberalization process in full
swing, the consequent policy changesintroduced in the Indian financial system
in general and banking in particular are effecting unprecedented changes
in its functioning. With the emergingchanges did spring up new challenges of
commercial viability, costeffectiveness, effective marketing strategy,
etc.Market oriented policies alsogave birth to new players like foreign and
private sector banks andsubsidiaries offering varied high tech and cost
effective Service. There wasan absolute shift from sellers into buyers’ market,
establishing the‘consumer’ as the key factor in the market. The dictum “as the
bank exists because of its customers, has become more pronounced and
relevant in the present context”. Thus, marketing constitutes the key
strategy for banks toretain good customers and also anticipate their future
Bank marketing.
Deryk Weyer of
Barclays Bank call it “a process, consisting of identifyingthe most profitable
markets now and in future; assessing the present and thefuture needs of the
customers; setting business development goals andmaking plans to meet them; and
managing various services and promotingthem to achieve the plans – all in the
context of a changing environment inthe market”.
Why Bank Marketing?
Awareness among Customers
Modern technology
has made customers aware of the developments in theeconomic environment, which
includes the financial system. Financial needsof the customers have grown
multifold into various forms like quick cashaccessibility,
money transfer, asset security, increased return on surplusfunds,
financial advice, deferred payments etc. With a wide network
of branches, even in a dissimilar banking scenario, customers expect
the banksto offer a more and better service to match their demands and this
hascompelled banks to take up marketing in right earnest.
Quality as a Key Factor
With the opening up of the economy, fast change has been experienced inevery activity, and banking has been
no exemption. Quality is the watchwordin the competitive world, which is market
driven and banks have had to faceup to this emerging scenario. In fact, it may
not be out of place to reiteratethat quality will in future be the sole
determinant of successful bankingventures and marketing has to focus on this
most crucial need of the hour.
Growing Competition
completion is being faced by the Indian banking industry fromwithin the system
with other agencies both, local and foreign, offering valueadded services.
Competition is no more confined to resource mobilization but also to
lending and other areas of banking activity. The foreigncommercial bank with
their superior technology, speed in operations andimaginative positioning of
their services has also provided the necessaryimpetus to the Indian banks to
innovate and complete in the market place.
Technological Advances
innovation has resulted in financial product developmentespecially in the
international and investment banking areas. The westernexperience has
demonstrated that technology has not only made execution of work faster
but has also resulted in greater availability
of manpower for
Marketing Approach in Banks.
With the need for
marketing in banks having evolved out of the changingenvironment and constant
interplay of various interdependent factors, theimportance of a systematic
approach to marketing cannot be overstressed.The application of a marketing
approach in banks will therefore involve:a. Identifying customers’ financial
needs and wants; b. Developing appropriate banking services to meet these
needs;c. Pricing for the services so developed;d. Setting up suitable outsells
/ banks branches;e. Advertising to promote the services to the existing as well
as prospectivecustomers
Features of Bank Marketing.
Banking product
cannot be seen or touched like manufactured products (intangibility)
In marketing
banking products, the product and the seller are inseparable; they together
define the banking product (inseparability)
Banking products
are products and delivered at the same time; theycannot be stored and inspected
before delivering’ (perishability)
of banking product is difficult (variability)
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